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Stepping into FEAR

Jessica King

I’ve never been much of an adventurer! I’m pretty much a home body and I’ve always loved routine! Someone asked me once how I can stand walking the same path with my dogs every morning and I responded, because there is different magic on the path everyday and I love the path!

But this year I started to ponder how quick my life has passed by so far and how much of it I have spent working and hustling to stay afloat, to pay the bills, to raise my son right, to survive… so I decided that it was time for adventure and time to see some different places on this magical earth, and I’m not going to lie, adventure scares the crap out me!

My Mom loves adventure! She loves to travel, she’s rarely scared to try new things even if it involves heights and she’s scared to death of heights but she’ll do it. She’ll get on the ferris wheel and the ski lift to experience the thrill! So naturally my first adventure of my new adventurous self is to be taken with her!

A few years ago I purchased a food and wine magazine. The cover enticed me because it was “The best restaurants in the world,” and well I love food and I love the restaurant industry! I brought it home and dreamed about going to all the restaurants all over the world, but one in particular caught my eye! The Grey in Savannah, Georgia. For the next couple months every time I turned on the TV, or picked up a magazine, I saw Mashama Bailey, the award winning Chef of The Grey. I was captivated by her smile and the way she stayed true to the authenticity of her food; all while making it worthy of a James Beard award. I knew I had to go to this restaurant! I have wanted to visit Georgia since one of my best friends came home from living there for a brief period and said, “I just missed Colorado so much because I missed the sky, the trees are so thick and big you don’t see the sky much.” I thought wow I want to experience that. I love trees!

We were 16 years old…..30 years later I’m off to see those trees!

My Mom and I have reservations at The Grey next week and I truly feel like it’s a manifested dream come true. We have lots of Savannah adventures planned for our mother/daughter trip and we are EXCITED to say the least, but there is also a bit of me that is totally scared! Scared to leave my dogs, scared to not have the comfort of my home and my routine, but you know what? It’s OK! Sometimes the things that you want are on the other side of FEAR! Sometimes you have to move through fear so you can CHOOSE YOURSELF!

What do you need to move through in your life so you can CHOOSE YOURSELF? Practicing these very things on our mat can help us have the courage and strength to do them in our lives! This week we will be practicing inversions! Going upside down can be scary for some people, but it can also be invigorating and give you the freedom you need to launch through fear and CHOOSE YOU!

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1 Comment

Cindy King
Cindy King
Sep 23, 2022

You give me sooo much credit! I love you sooo much!! You are the one who should be getting the credit. You have enriched my life!


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